
Set `ignore-this-occurrence` keybinding

cinghiopinghio opened this issue · 4 comments

Cool small plugin!
I thought it would be cool to provide a mean to ignore a substitution, a functionality provided by multiple-cursors for example.
One can bind something like ue. to some keys (or just suggesting it on the readme), those keys are quite far from each other on my keyboard... I don't know which keybinding should be used though.

There is n and N which will do exactly what you need. It will jump to next occurrence and then you can just . it further. Does that solve your problem?

Ok, I didn't find mention to those n and N mappings. That's exactly what I was looking for.
Probably because it's a built-in feature? Thanks for the input

Yes, this is builtin and it is used to jump to next/previous match on last search.

Maybe a comment on the README can help distracted people like me.