
ss / SS are broken? Or require additional configuration?

097115 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hotkeys ss / SS don't seem to work (Vim 8.1.450, latest sad.vim).

:verbose map ss shows only mappings for s:

n  s             <Plug>(sad-change-forward)
        Last set from ~/.vim/plugged/sad.vim/plugin/sad.vim line 27
x  s             <Plug>(sad-change-forward)
        Last set from ~/.vim/plugged/sad.vim/plugin/sad.vim line 27

Or am I missing something obvious? :)

It seems that I forgot update documentations that I have removed these. To use them you need to add:

nmap ss <Plug>(sad-change-forward-linewise)
nmap SS <Plug>(sad-change-backward-linewise)

Close in favour of #5