
Text cannot be added to the specified header of daily note

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I configured a header for the text to append to with odailyheader, then I used odi to append text. However, the text was not appended to the specified header but to the end of the note.

Also, I specified the desired header to append to-dos to with odailytodoheader. However, to-dos cannot be appended to the specified header either. They were appended to the end of the note. I am also not sure if I used this feature correctly. If I want to append to-dos to the specified section of the daily note, is odi the correct command to use? If so, it seems that I need to use [ ] Task to make it a to-do. Is it possible to add to-dos with a new command or something such that one does not need to input [ ] each time?

Another thing is related to the configuration of timestamp. It seems that the configured format cannot be migrated automatically when updating this workflow.

Oops, my bad. I should have removed odailyheader and odailytodoheader (and other unused variables). I was doing some testing a while ago with those variables but ended up not implementing them (especially since no one requested them either). For now, odi works like oi—it simply appends text to the end of the markdown file, not under any header/section.

I'll think about what's the best way to implement your suggestions, which I think are the following:

  • append to-dos/text to a specified section
  • make it an option to prepend [ ]

Another thing is related to the configuration of timestamp. It seems that the configured format cannot be migrated automatically when updating this workflow.

Do you mean using odailyformat and dailyformat? They aren't related to the date/time that gets appended to the daily note. If you want to configure that, manually change it here instead. See Alfred's documentation for more info.


As always, thanks for the detailed explanations. 😃 It would be great to be able to append text to a specified section and to append to-dos with a command like odti to a specified section.

Regarding the timestamp, I meant the one appended with oi and odi. I can manually modify it, as pointed out in the red arrow in the figure above. I meant that it seems that this modification cannot be migrated together with other settings when updating this workflow, but never mind, it's a trivial thing, compared with many other settings.

+1, I really want to add tasks [ ]

👍 this would be a super-useful feature as I'm currently using the Things Logbook plugin and I'd like to keep things separate from my ideas.

Really good job on this workflow! Might submit a PR if I find the time to implement the feature 😄