
Migration of the IRC room from Freenode to Libera

erciccione opened this issue · 3 comments

We decided, with the support of the community, to drop the #haveno and #haveno-dev rooms on Freenode and migrate to Libera. Our main communication platform is still Matrix and for these users the change will be invisible.

We will move along with Monero (monero-project/meta#575), to make the migration as smooth as possible for the users of both projects.

We have our own Matrix <-> Libera bridge ready to be deployed, but we will probably use matrix's public bridge when it will be ready.

The migration will be tracked on this issue.

We will move along with Monero (monero-project/meta#575), to make the migration as smooth as possible for the users of both projects.

As announced in the channels, we won't move along with Monero. As soon as the IRC bridge for Libera is stable, we will migrate.

#haveno-dev migrated to Libera. Waiting for an answer from matrix people to be able to bridge #haveno as well.

#haveno has migrated to Libera as well.

Closing this issue as the migration is completed.