
Junimos Won't Replant Seeds

Closed this issue · 9 comments

No matter what settings i enable, My junimos won't replant seeds...

Same here, no planting ever happens. They can fertilize (not always but most of the time), but don't ever plant seeds.

I can't repro this, are your seeds in season? Are they in the hut?

I can't repro this, are your seeds in season? Are they in the hut?

My seeds are in the right season, paid the wage, "PlantCrops": true, but they cant plant anything at all, i have to plant my seeds manually, but they can harvest, fertilize and even water my crops.

Logs: https://smapi.io/log/237986d69b074db09b6f2ce51bba4e47

You're running Better Junimos 3.0.0-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted lmao update the mod

They are still not planting with the 3.0.1 beta.

  • Yes, the seeds are in season, everything in the hut is unlocked, I have no wages to pay (disabled that) and PlantCrops is true.

I even tried enabling/disabling tiles, no effect.

You're running Better Junimos 3.0.0-unofficial.1-p1xel8ted lmao update the mod

Ohh i'm so sorry... I've updated to the lastest version and now planting seems to work! TYVM!!!

@D3vilEye How long does it take for the junimos to start planting seeds when you put them in a hut?

I left seeds in a hut for 4 game hours and nothing happened.

@D3vilEye How long does it take for the junimos to start planting seeds when you put them in a hut?

I left seeds in a hut for 4 game hours and nothing happened.

I've had to remove then rebuild my Junino Hunt, then they insta started plating.

Thanks I'll try that!

  • It works now, I had to destroy my 3 huts, then put in vanilla springtime seeds before the "For 5 iron bars, Junimos can plant crops" message appeared. I was trying with modded seeds for a few minutes, nothing happened until I put in vanilla seeds instead.
    ... and they're still not planting modded seeds.