
Game Crash on Building Biofuel Tank or Biofuel Refinery (InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching elements)

Closed this issue · 6 comments


Let me know if you need anything else, like log files, save file, or modlist.
I will try to respond soon.

Log please, and what you were doing

Does this work for the log?

As for what I was doing, I was just letting the game run, building a few things.
I could try to pinpoint it. Could be a Golem getting build or maybe me building a biofuel tank on top of some platforms.

Just confirmed in another playthrough, it was building a Biofuel tank, the last thing I see is all construction materials added & 98% construction completion.

Error Report:

Save File:
Booger Grove.zip

Modlist (r2modman file):

Just discovered, also crashes in the same way when building the Biofuel Refinery

Just discovered, also crashes in the same way when building the Catalyst Tank

Note that this does not affect the Charging Station or Control Tower, just the Folktails golem needs buildings.