
Video Editor for iOS

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT


Video Editor for iOS based from AV Foundation Framework.


  • Add image layer to video
  • Merge multiple video
  • Change audio to video


  1. Add All of Files in "VideoEditor/model" to your project.
  2. Add Above framework to your project.
  • AVFoundation.framework
  • CoreMedia.framework
  • CoreVideo.framework
  • MobileCoreServices.framework
  • MediaPlayer.framework

How to use

#include "VE.h"

//init VEVideoEditor with video file
VEVideoEditor *videoEditor = [[VEVideoEditor alloc] initWithURL:url];

//set preview view
[self.view addSubview:videoEditor.previewViewController.view];

//Add image to video
UIImageView *imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:image];
VEVideoComponent *component = [[VEVideoComponent alloc] initWithView:imageView];

component.presentTime = 0.f;
component.duration = videoEditor.duration;

[videoEditor.videoComposition addComponent:component];

//Export video
[videoEditor exportToURL:url];

if you still have any question, feel free to contact me: sunama.sukrit@gmail.com