
Creating new projects with this sample gets compiled with the same SHA1 keys as other projects

Jarrio opened this issue · 2 comments

When you're using authentication with an app (like google signin) and utilising a service like Firebase you're required to provide a sha1 key which is generated from the android folder from keytool or from android studio.

The problem is I have 2 projects which I want to use OAuth in and the firebase api but because I'm using the same base project it seems to be resulting in the same sha1 key for each new project which results in a conflict error for OAuth.

Is there a way to regenerate this key?

I am not sure about this. But if I were you I would try to look if the two android apps are having the same name/package.

I apologise for the late reply, you are right. I had thought the package name should have been com.example and it would automatically append the application name to that string. It appears like that was completely wrong and I should do com.example.name. Thanks!