
Error in apt_repository on Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo)

haxorof opened this issue · 0 comments

Ansible version: 2.6.18
Role version: 2.5.1
Exception is thrown when running tests t_config test suite on generic/ubuntu1904:

TASK [haxorof.docker_ce : Add Docker CE repository with correct channels (Ubuntu/Debian)] ***
Friday 26 July 2019  12:00:04 +0000 (0:00:00.172)       0:00:43.391 ***********
fatal: [test-host]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Shared connection to closed.\r\n", "module_stdout": "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_ivyeh51b/ansible_module_apt_repository.py\", line 187, in __iter__\r\n    raise StopIteration\r\nStopIteration\r\n\r\nThe above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:\r\n\r\nTraceback (most recent call last):\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_ivyeh51b/ansible_module_apt_repository.py\", line 550, in <module>\r\n    main()\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_ivyeh51b/ansible_module_apt_repository.py\", line 518, in main\r\n    sourceslist.add_source(repo)\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_ivyeh51b/ansible_module_apt_repository.py\", line 436, in add_source\r\n    self._add_valid_source(source, comment, file)\r\n  File \"/tmp/ansible_ivyeh51b/ansible_module_apt_repository.py\", line 349, in _add_valid_source\r\n    for filename, n, enabled, source, comment in self:\r\nRuntimeError: generator raised StopIteration\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "rc": 1}