
Show total number of matches and current match number

kdheepak opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you for the awesome plugin! It is amazing and I cannot use vim without it. The cursor stay in place feature is a game changer.

I was wondering if it would be possible to add a feature where the plugin shows the total number of matches and current match number? I've tried vim-indexedsearch and vim-anzu and they don't play along well with this plugin. This is what I have in my .vimrc.

" make searching with * use vim-asterisk
map *  <Plug>(asterisk-z*)
map #  <Plug>(asterisk-z#)
map g* <Plug>(asterisk-gz*)
map g# <Plug>(asterisk-gz#)

let g:asterisk#keeppos = 1

Thanks for the quick answer!

So is this what you are recommending?

map *  <Plug>(asterisk-z*)
map #  <Plug>(asterisk-z#)
map g* <Plug>(asterisk-gz*)
map g# <Plug>(asterisk-gz#)
nmap n <Plug>(anzu-n-with-echo)
nmap N <Plug>(anzu-N-with-echo)

let g:asterisk#keeppos = 1

It works but the message echo'd is different when using * and when using n.