
My Personalised Development Environment

Primary LanguageLua


My Personalized Development Environment

Dotfiles Demo

To prevent myself from going down wild Linux rabbit holes and trying every distribution I can get my hands on, I've transcended into an Apple chad. Therefore, this configuration may require changes to work in a Linux environment.

Mandatory Software:

Optional Software: (Warning: you may have to remove some alises / plugins if these are not installed)

File Structure:

Most files in this repo are structured so that you can symlink the directory directly into ~/.config, except for a few that need to live in different places such as zshrc.

Neovim Plugins:

Using lazy.nvim as a plugin manager, here are the plugins used:

Notable Settings:

  • Line numbers and relative numbers are turned on.
  • Line wrapping is turned off.
  • The grep program for searching is set to ripgrep.
  • Trailing whitespace is automatically stripped on buffer write.



  • <leader> is set to <Space>
  • <leader>sp will spell the previous word correctly.
  • n and N after a search will reposition the cursor to the center of the screen for better visibility.
  • J combines the next line with the current line, ensuring the cursor remains at the beginning of the combined line.
  • <C-d> and <C-u> scroll half a screen down or up while keeping the cursor position fixed.
  • <leader><Enter> clears the search highlight.
  • J (Visual Mode) and K (Visual Mode) move the selected lines down (J) or up (K) in visual mode.
  • <leader>y and <leader>Y yank the current line (<leader>y) or from the cursor to the end of the line (<leader>Y) to the system clipboard.
  • <leader>p and <leader>d paste (<leader>p) or delete (<leader>d) without copying to the buffer.
  • <leader>f formats the current buffer using the LSP (Language Server Protocol).
  • <C-k> and <C-j> navigate through the quickfix list, ensuring the cursor position is centered.
  • <leader> + h,j,k,l move your cursor to different windows.
  • <leader>s performs a case-insensitive search and replace across the entire buffer, prompting for confirmation.
  • <leader>r toggles relative line numbers.
  • K (Normal Mode) to show documentation.
  • <leader>+ and <leader>- vertically enlarge or reduce a pane.

A random list of handy vim commands

Plugin-Specific Keybinds:

  • Copilot:

    • In insert mode, <C-L> will complete the suggestion.
  • Fugitive:

    • <leader>gs will open git in nvim.
    • <leader>gdf will open a git diff of the current file.
  • Harpoon:

    • <leader>a will add to the list.
    • <leader>e will open the list. This is changeable using general vim motions, such as deleting or moving a line below.
  • Rhubarb:

    • <leader>gb will open the browser to the current file.
  • Surround:

    • ys{motion}{wrapper} will surround with the {wrapper} variable. This also works in visual mode.
  • Telescope:

    • Use \ for a fuzzy project word search.
    • <C-T> to search files.
    • <C-P> to search files that aren't in git.
    • <leader>b to browse your buffer files.
    • Pressing tab to select from the list, then following with <C-q> will open a quickfix list
  • Tree:

    • <leader>nn to open the file tree.
    • <leader>nf to find the current file in the tree. Use a to add files, d to delete, and r to rename from the tree.
  • Undotree:

    • <leader>u to open undotree.
  • Dadbod:

    • <leader>db to open the database UI.

LSPs (Language Server Protocols):

By default, the following LSPs will be installed:

  • tsserver for typescript.
  • eslint for eslint.
  • solargraph for ruby.
  • lua_ls for lua.
  • tailwindcss for tailwind.
  • rust_analyzer for rust.
  • gopls for golang.
  • jsonls for json.
  • emmet_ls for emmet html.


  • Pressing Tab (or Shift-Tab) completes your LSP suggestions.
  • Pressing <Enter> populates the currently selected tab.
  • [g and ]g will go to the previous and next diagnostics error respectively.
  • gd will go to definition.
  • <leader>gr will go to references.
  • <leader>cr will rename the currently highlighted variable.
  • <leader>vca will display code actions.
  • <leader>cf will apply the quickfix code action.

Additionally, use <C-Space> to open the completion menu if it's not automatically open.



A full list of zsh aliases live under ./zsh/aliases.zsh, but here are a few:

  • vi and vim are aliased to nvim.
  • ga and gaa alias git add for staging changes for either a specified file or all unstaged files.
  • gap prompts for interactive staging with git add -p.
  • gb shows the Git branch, and gc initiates a Git commit.
  • gca combines git add . and git commit.
  • gco is a shortcut for git checkout.
  • gcob allows you to interactively switch Git branches.
  • gpushb, gbd, gpullb, and gmergeb streamline branch operations.
  • gp simplifies the Git push command.
  • gf and gfa alias Git fetch commands.
  • gst provides a concise Git status with untracked files.
  • egst shows modified files with git status and opens them in Neovim.
  • CTRL-T will search for files from the command line with fzf
  • ESC-C (ALT-C on Linux) will search for directories from the command line, and selecting one will place you in the directory


See the tmux config in ./tmux/.tmux.conf, here are a few helpful aliases:

  • <C-b> is the prefix
  • <prefix>[ to open vi mode within tmux
  • <prefix>f to use the tmux-sessionizer script, which will open a project in a new session
  • <prefix>f to use the tmux-sessionizer script, which will open a project in a new session
  • <prefix>| to split vertically
  • <prefix>- to split horizontally


  • Check :checkhealth to ensure all plugins are working correctly.
  • Use :map or :verbose map <leader>nn (for instance) to check keybinds are being set correctly.
  • :lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf_get_clients()[1].resolved_capabilities)) to see what the LSP can do


You're more than welcome to submit an issue or PR with any bugs or feature suggestions. See issues for current feature requests/bugs.

If you want to pair up on a project or build out any of the above, pop me an email at hayden@rouille.dev.