
Issue #115 Closed

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Would like to understand if issue #115 is closed b/c we were temporarily able to resolve issue by clearing cache or if it is actually fixed? If the former, the issue should be reopened. If the instructor needs to remind/tell students to clear their cache periodically with high frequency, deal with emails from students over the matter, they're very unlikely to use NB more than once. If there is a different fix - Hooray!!!

Good point Marc. I thought the issue was specific to your experience as the fix was to clear the cache. As for other students, their comments appear to be saved and could be viewed from all browsers with no issue. For example, Ramirez, her comments were all visible. not sure if she was facing a problem or was it that you weren't able to see her comments?

I am currently working on optimizing the annotation which will hopefully fix problems with plugins and comments disappearing.