
[TRACKING ISSUE] Remove read default value methods from the CompactReader

hz-devops-test opened this issue · 1 comments

The tracking issue for the Java side PR.

See hazelcast/hazelcast#21876 for details.

We have decided not to provide the methods to read a default value
in case of a missing field in the data. These methods were meant
to be used with the class evolution, but we decided that those methods
were not very useful, as it was impossible to distinguish a read
from the binary data from a read of default values.

Instead, this PR introduces a new API to the CompactReader to check
the existence of a field with its name and kind.

boolean hasField(String fieldName, FieldKind fieldKind);

The users are now meant to use this method for fields that have changed
or have a potential to change in the future.

String foo;
if (reader.hasField("foo", FieldKind.STRING)) {
	foo = reader.readString("foo");
} else {
	foo = "NA";

Also, changed the parameter name of the CompactReader and CompactWriter
in CompactSerializer to reader (from in) and writer (from out).

This is already done in the Python client