
Why so many options

Closed this issue · 1 comments

reading the code I noticed that you hardcoded the path structure in popup.js#L3. Why not allow the user to specify the full URL? This should solve the problem that https:// cannot be specified.

And once HTTPS is working one might try if SSO via SSL Client Certificate Authentication works, this is support by the Android App, and might work as you don't need to store any credentials as well.

According to the description on chrome store page (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mini-openhab-controller/lphilmckagfijcikbfoibgekcoodaobd?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog) it's not a simple task to make HTTPS work properly in a chrome extension:


I know - it's rubbish :(

But unless I break Google's T&Cs and store credentials in an unencrypted data store, or unless OpenHAB implements OAuth2, that's what we are stuck with.

Chrome isn't able to use the same authenticated session as in the browser. If anyone has any other bright ideas about the above, I've published the source here: https://github.com/hazymat/openhab-chrome

Maybe someone could help with that feature.