
How to feed data in IDR format

sn-nir opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello @hbb1,

Thanks for your fantastic work!

I had a query. I've processed my data in the IDR format. How do I feed it to the model since it takes COLMAP format data here?

My data format:

|-- cameras.npz    # camera parameters
|-- image
    |-- 000.png        # image for each view
    |-- 001.png
|-- mask
    |-- 000.png        # mask for each view
    |-- 001.png
hbb1 commented

Hi, you can follow here #5 to convert the dtu data into the colmap given GT camera pose

Are you referring to the following script?

hbb1 commented

This script is more helpful. Note that you may need some modifications to align the output structure to MipNerf360, see convert.py.