
Reproduction on the Tank and Temple Dataset

MickShen7558 opened this issue · 3 comments


First, I'd like to thank you for the nice paper and the codes!

I ran your code with default parameters on the scene Barn in Tank and Temple Dataset. Compared to the F1-score of 0.36 in the paper Table 2, I ended up with 0.28. May I know if there were any specific settings of the parameters when you extracted the mesh on the Tank and Temple Dataset? Such as the voxel_size and depth_trunc?

Thank you!

hbb1 commented

Hi, we will investigate and attempt to replicate the TNT result in this new repository. We will provide you with a response within two days.

hbb1 commented

Hi, we reproduce the result for the Ban by this.
First, simply modify the lambda_dist from 1000 to 100 in the DTU evaluation script. We then evaluate the score using TNT official script, you can find related script in https://github.com/autonomousvision/gaussian-opacity-fields/tree/main/eval_tn.

if not args.skip_training:
    common_args = " --quiet --test_iterations -1 --depth_ratio 1.0 -r 2 --lambda_dist 100"
    for scene in dtu_scenes:
        source = args.TNT_data + "/" + scene
        print("python train.py -s " + source + " -m " + args.output_path + "/" + scene + common_args)
        os.system("python train.py -s " + source + " -m " + args.output_path + "/" + scene + common_args)

if not args.skip_rendering:
    all_sources = []
    common_args = " --quiet --skip_train --depth_ratio 1.0 --num_cluster 1 --voxel_size 0.004 --sdf_trunc 0.016 --depth_trunc 3.0"
    for scene in dtu_scenes:
        source = args.TNT_data + "/" + scene
        print("python render.py --iteration 30000 -s " + source + " -m" + args.output_path + "/" + scene + common_args)
        os.system("python render.py --iteration 30000 -s " + source + " -m" + args.output_path + "/" + scene + common_args)

The F1 score for the Barn scene is 0.41.


The number is ok I think. We still need some time to check for other scenes, and once we have done, we will upload the full evaluation script. Thanks.


Thank you for uploading the codes and the results. The Barn is 0.38 on my end. However, it's already above what is reported in the paper.