
Incomplete Mesh

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Thanks for your great work. I tried 2DGS on the video below which only covers the scene from certain angles with the default setting and I got the following incomplete mesh. I'm wondering if there is a way to improve the mesh result or if the result is limited because of the nature of the input data. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.



ansj11 commented

I have the same problem, Have you solved this problem

hbb1 commented

What is the depth_trunc then? My depth range is estimated using the camera traj. If you camera traj is not circular, there may be a problem.

Thanks for your response. The depth_trunc is 22.29. The camera traj is not circular as shown in the image below.


Hi @ansj11, it looks like this is related to the depth_truc value. I tried to increase the depth_truc value from around 22 to 40 in this scene and got much better results as below. But I still don't know how to mitigate the problem systematically and I hope @hbb1 could share more insights later when he is available.


hbb1 commented

@JiajieLi7012 Thank you for your report. In order to export a mesh, it is necessary to have some prior information to determine the export location. When the center and radius are known, the 'depth_trunc' is set slightly larger than the radius. My code is designed to automatically estimate this based on the camera trajectory, assuming it follows a circular path. For indoor scenes, you can use information from the depth map to determine the 'depth_trunc', such as the maximum depth value.