

Primary LanguageJavaScript


“Hello, NWUians!(ChatBot)” is a Chatbot which will help the students, specially the newcomers are interested in getting admit themselves in our varsity and fresher students. It is a cooperative project. The students, who are interested in getting admit themselves are usually want to know the information about our faculties and departments, semester fees, waiver, course credits and so on. But they cannot get it well through our website. As now a days, the students are very active in social media. So, it is handy for them to get the information there. “Hello, NWUians!” can make it happens. This ChatBot can give those pieces of information through the popular messaging app Messenger. By the proposed project, we aim to ensure help to our classmates, seniors and juniors and specially newcomers and freshers as well as our honorable teacher providing a smooth and best solution to worst of time, satisfying its name.

Idea Description:

By a short survey in the on the necessary errand of the newcomers and fresher students on their daily and occasional basis, we came to learn about many difficulties to face, for example, admission information (i.e. faculties and departments, course credits, semester fees, waiver, class time etc.) and so on. There is a website of our varsity named “nwu.edu.bd”, but that is mostly used in course registration and showing the result. The students are hardly known to the following information through the website. To provide them with a smooth and handful solution to their necessities, we have come up to the idea of “Hello, NWUians!(ChatBot)” which will give the Students not only immediate help but also the feeling of having a friendly and helpful backup on the following occasions. We will design an API using Dialogflow Machine learning Algorithm and Hybrid Algorithm. Then we’ve integrated it into messenger.


  1. Design API using Dialogflow Machine learning Algorithm and Hybrid Algorithm.
  2. Integrate it with Facebook Messenger.
  3. Admins can manage (Add, Update and Delete) Donors


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Activity Diagram


Since it was a full-free API service from Google. But now it is upgraded to version-2 from version-1 and Google has closed the Fulfillment access (JS Code of this project) and many of our works have been erased. So, we cannot give a strong knowledge base to this Bot.

Future Works:

  • To give a strong knowledge base.
  • Also available in Bengali language.
  • To make it a FAQ Bot of North Western University, Khulna.


The project have been finished successfully. This report contained an overview of the project including a description of the project and a review of the current progress in relation to upcoming and completed tasks. The preceding analysis of the project has identified potential improvements for future developments.
Overall, I feels the project has been a success. A great deal of knowledge has been gained through the trials of this project, these lessons will be invaluable in future endeavours.