

The project blood bank management system is known to be a pilot project that is designed for the blood bank to gather blood from various sources and distribute it to the needy people who have high requirements for it. The software is designed to handle the daily transactions of the blood bank and search the details when required. It also helps to register the details of donors, blood collection details as well as blood issued reports. This software application is password protected and it is designed in such a way that some individual users have their login access only. The software application is designed in such a manner that it can suit the needs of all the blood bank requirements in the course of future.


The BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project is designed for successful completion of a project on blood bank management system. The main aim of developing this system is to provide blood to the people who are in need of blood. The basic building aim is to provide blood donation service to the city recently. The Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a password protected application that is designed to store, process, retrieve and analyze information concerned with the administrative and inventory management within a blood bank. This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors, different blood groups available in each blood bank and help them manage in a better way.

Project Aim is to provide transparency in this field, make the process of obtaining blood from a blood bank hassle-free and corruption-free and make the system of blood bank management effective. Blood Bank donation system can collect blood from many donators in short from various sources and distribute that blood to needy people who require blood.


  1. Add, Update and Delete Users
  2. Register Donors and Keep Their Details.
  3. Admins can manage (Add, Update and Delete) Donors
  4. Login Function
  5. Splash Screen (Animation before loading application)

Technology Used:

1. SQL Server Management Studio

2. Visual Studio

Tools Used:

1. SQL Server Management Studio

2. Visual Studio









A Blood Bank is a software product suite designed to improve the quality and management of bloodbank and hospital health care management in the areas of health process analysis and activity-based costing. Blood Bank Manager enables to develop organization and improve its effectiveness and quality of work, Managing the key processes efficiently is critical to the success of the pharmacy. Blood Bank Manager helps manage processes. A Blood Bank Manager provides all process management tool elements:
Modeling, analysis, and simulation. Documentation though an important part of a blood bank management, is a nonproductive exercise for the intellectual human being, whose ability lies in core areas of excellence. Hence a systematic approach to the way documents are managed.
Blood Bank Management System is an efficient project. Effective analysis of data can help a lot in medical field as many other objects and fields can be added to this system for the different blood groups.