I have some questions
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Can you tell me how to run the FIA+PITIDIM.I want to verify the data if the Table. 2.Thanks very much!
for example, python attack.py --model_name vgg_16 --attack_method FIAPITIDIM --layer_name vgg_16/conv3/conv3_3/Relu --ens 30 --probb 0.9 --amplification_factor 2.5 --gamma 0.5 --Pkern_size 7 --image_size 224 --image_resize 250 --prob 0.7 --output_dir ./adv/FIAPITIDIM/
Okay.I got it. Thank you
But when I use the inception_v3 as source model,there leaves some errors. Can you tell me the commands to use the inception_v3 as source model
python attack.py --model_name inception_v3 --attack_method FIAPITIDIM --layer_name InceptionV3/InceptionV3/Mixed_5b/concat --ens 30 --probb 0.9 --amplification_factor 2.5 --gamma 0.5 --Pkern_size 7 --image_size 299 --image_resize 330 --prob 0.7 --output_dir ./adv/FIAPITIDIM/
okay ,thank you!