
Doesn't compatiable with oh my zsh.

Opened this issue · 9 comments

It seems that this script does not compatiable with oh my zsh https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh. I got this error when loading.

$ source auto-fu.zsh
Cannot rebind self-insert: user:url-quote-magic

Hi, Mizuch! Thank you for your report.

I'm sorry, master branch does not support well yet for these contrib widgets like url-quote-magic, etc.

I've been playing these stuff in pu branch.

@hchbaw Can you merge this into master already? This looks terrible when used with Antigen.

Sorry, @milieu .
I don't use oh-my-zsh nor antigen personally, so I cannot confirm if it would work right or not.

Indeed, as long as I've been using pu branch, it works for me with/without url-quote-magic.

Maybe you can take this opportunity to fix bug #12, finally: The ebuild I made public for gentoo is installing the "pu" branch since years (actually, I think this is roughly since this bug #12 is open), and it works perfectly fine for me; I also got no reports about issues with the ebuild.
I think many people are just downloading the 2011 tarball and then run into problems which are long fixed since then. If you would tag the current pu branch, people could try that instead - even without any problems on machines where they possibly don't have git installed...

👍 @hchbaw from my usage the pu branch has been great; can you merge it into master? This'll mislead fewer people when they try this.

Oh, thank you very much for your comments and clarifications.
I would like to merge the topics on pu into master in a few days by this weekend at the latest.

Any updates on this?

I'll give someone 5 bucks to make it compatible.

outan commented

It will be very helpful if you merge pu into master.
This problem has confused me a few days.