
does not support LaTex math while asciidoctor installed by ruby do

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LaTex math not support while asciidoctor installed by ruby do.
Do you have a dev doc? How can i update this asciidoctor.js ?

Hi, I checked asciidoctor.js and found the solution.
In order to render fontawesome and stem content properly, we need 2 modification here:

  1. asciidoctor.convert() must be given arguments like this:
asciidoctor.convert(data, {header_footer: true}) 
  1. mathjax must be included like below to render latex content
<script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js' async></script>

Since I'm not familiar with hexo dev and npm package publishment, could you pls find a way to fix this?

This is a kind of Hexo issue. The converter just convert asciidoc to html.