
How can I contribute to improve definitions and synonyms?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Really liking this, thanks.

Unfortunately some words (using python wn) return no definitions or strange synonyms.

  • No defintion: Nuss
  • Strange synonyms: Finger
[{"definition": "eines der Teile eines Handschuhs, die einen Finger oder Daumen bedecken", 
"synonyms": ["Handglied"]}, 
{"definition": "eines der Endglieder der Hand (manchmal mit Ausnahme des Daumens)", 
"synonyms": ["Passagierbrücke", "Fluggastbrücke"]}]}

How can I contribute to improve definitions and synonyms?

It is great that you want to contribute!
We are currently developing a web interface for wordnet editing. This is being developed for the Ukrainian wordnet, but will hopefully be useful for OdeNet as well, autumn this year.

In the meantime:
For new entries (Lexentries and Synsets) you could send me the xml of the new entry and I'd add it to OdeNet. I have a script that supports the writing of an entry, if you like to use that. You would just have to check, whether there are synonyms of the new word already in OdeNet.
The existing entries are a bit more complicated, as the "Finger" example shows. The wrong definition might come from a wrong connection to the English wordnet, via a wrong ILI. This also would have to be checked and changed, if necessary.
There is a jupyter notebook that I use to change and extend OdeNet that you could use, if you like to. The other possibility is that you give me as much information as possible to change the entry.


In that case I'll just gather any missing or erroneous items and wait until the interface is ready. And thank you for creating the OdeNet.

A student of mine is now developing the interface as part of his master thesis. Would you help to test and give feedback? That'd be really nice!

Of course.