
String translation library using a combination of string similarity metrics.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


License: GPL v3 Language LOC

Language grade: C/C++ Codacy Badge

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This C++ library is designed to provide a simple method of translating snippets of text (like names). Here is a handy reference for evaluating whether or not this library will be of use for you:

Will it help me...

...translate strings into a given (small) language?                              -- yes.
...search for proteins, base pairs, or other large single-string domains?        -- no.
...translate a given document from {English,French,...} to {French,English,...}? -- slowly.
...translate some given, badly-transcribed terms into a handful of known values? -- yes.
...pick out terms of relevance (and remove non-relevant terms) from a document?  -- yes.

The general idea is that you have a string of data "from the wild." Lets say that a user gives you the name of a major city. Being an imperfect user, they type "Amterdan" instead of "Amsterdam". Processing this data in some automated way might be troublesome as-is, so we use this library to solve the problem. There are two steps:

  1. We provide a list of (properly-spelled) cities. This is the 'lexicon' of the library. To give the library some idea of what to expect, we also provide some examples of (possible) misspellings. The format of the lexicon file is like:

     # A comment.
     Amsterdam : amsterdam
     Amsterdam : Amersdtam
     Amsterdam : Amteistam
     Amsterdam : Ams ter dam
     New York  : New Yerk
     New York  : New York
     New York  : Nwe new york
     Vancouver : Vancoover
  2. Then we write the code. We use it like so:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <Explicator.h>                           // <--- There is a single header.
    int main(int argc, char **argv){
        std::string lexicon("/path/to/your/lexicon");
        Explicator X(lexicon);                        // <--- Loads the file, initializes.
        std::string dirty_str("Amterdan");            // <--- Not in the lexicon.
        std::string clean_str = X(dirty_str);
        std::cout << "The cleaned string is " << clean_str << std::endl;
        return 0;

Compile and run with:

g++ --std=c++17 ... -lexplicator -lstdc++fs -lm && ./a.out

The output should be: The cleaned string is Amsterdam.

The translation of the text uses a variety of highly configurable string similarity modules. For more advanced functionality, e.g., retrieving the matched score, consult the examples or read the only header file: Explicator.h.


No external binary or run-time dependencies are required. A standard C++ toolchain is required to build the Explicator library and binaries.


This project uses CMake. Use the usual commands to compile:

 $>  cd /path/to/source/directory
 $>  mkdir build && cd build/

Then, iff by-passing your package manager:

 $>  cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
 $>  make && sudo make install

or, if building for Debian:

 $>  cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
 $>  make && make package
 $>  sudo apt install -f ./*.deb

or, if building for Arch Linux:

 $>  rsync -aC --exclude build ../ ./
 $>  makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm # Optionally also [--install].

A helper script that will auto-detect the system and package or install properly can be invoked as:

 $>  ./compile_and_install.sh

What gets installed?

  • libexplicator.so

    • A single library. Contains substring modules of various kinds.
  • Explicator.h

    • The single header file, which contains a definition of the single Explicator class.
  • Various examples

    • Binary examples are installed, by default, to ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin/. Their sources are installed to ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/usr/share/explicator/example_sources/.
  • Sample lexicons

    • A few lexicons are provided. Some are examples, some are real-world lexicons used by downstream projects. They are installed to ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/.

Getting started

Consult the example sources installed to ${INSTALL_PREFIX}/usr/share/explicator/example_sources/. They illustrate all aspects of the Explicator class. You need to invoke them with a lexicon. Sometimes a string is also needed. Here is sample usage on the author's machine:

$> export LEXICON=/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/Misspellings.lexicon
$> explicator_cross_verify $LEXICON
# Generated by Cross_Verify(...).
# Columns: lexicon_threshold(%), frac_of_lexicon(%), frac_correct, ...
# Each column is a fraction of the total number of translations.
100 100 1 0 0 1
100 95 0.945701 0.0443439 0 0.997461
100 90 0.895928 0.0832579 0 0.990231
100 85 0.846154 0.129412 0 0.978261

$> export LEXICON=/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/Misspellings.lexicon
$> explicator_print_weights_thresholds $LEXICON
Default per-module thresholds:
    Module #8 threshold = 0.3
    Module #32 threshold = 0.3
    Module #64 threshold = 0.3
    Module #128 threshold = 0.3

$> export LEXICON=/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/Misspellings.lexicon
$> explicator_translate_string $LEXICON tednecy
Best Score = 0.591575
     Possibility 'Caribbean' scored 0.267535
     Possibility 'Fahrenheit' scored 0.349613
     Possibility 'Neanderthal' scored 0.345116
     Possibility 'Portuguese' scored 0.295754
     Possibility 'accommodate' scored 0.137085
     Possibility 'accommodation' scored 0.10582

$> export LEXICON=/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/Misspellings.lexicon
$> explicator_translate_string_all_general $LEXICON tednecy
Best Score = 0.492674
     Possibility 'Caribbean' scored 0.100326
     Possibility 'Fahrenheit' scored 0.131105
     Possibility 'Neanderthal' scored 0.129418
     Possibility 'Portuguese' scored 0.110908
     Possibility 'accommodate' scored 0.0514069
     Possibility 'accommodation' scored 0.0396825

$> export LEXICON=/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/Misspellings.lexicon
$> explicator_translate_string_levenshtein $LEXICON tednecy
Best Score = 0.846154
     Possibility 'Caribbean' scored 0.384615
     Possibility 'Fahrenheit' scored 0.461538
     Possibility 'Neanderthal' scored 0.461538
     Possibility 'Portuguese' scored 0.384615
     Possibility 'achieve' scored 0.538462
     Possibility 'across' scored 0.461538

$> export LEXICON=/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/Misspellings.lexicon
$> explicator_translate_string_jarowinkler $LEXICON tednecy
Best Score = 0.928571
     Possibility 'Caribbean' scored 0.417989
     Possibility 'Fahrenheit' scored 0.587302
     Possibility 'Neanderthal' scored 0.57381
     Possibility 'Portuguese' scored 0.502645
     Possibility 'accommodate' scored 0.411255
     Possibility 'accommodation' scored 0.31746

$> export LEXICON=/usr/share/explicator/lexicons/Misspellings.lexicon
$> explicator_lexicon_dogfooder $LEXICON
Dirty: '    ACCOMMODATE' ---> Clean: '   accommodate'. Actual: '   accommodate'. Success: 1
Dirty: '  ACCOMMODATION' ---> Clean: ' accommodation'. Actual: ' accommodation'. Success: 1
Dirty: '     ACCOMODATE' ---> Clean: '   accommodate'. Actual: '   accommodate'. Success: 1
Dirty: '   ACCOMODATION' ---> Clean: ' accommodation'. Actual: ' accommodation'. Success: 1
Dirty: '        ACCROSS' ---> Clean: '        across'. Actual: '        across'. Success: 1
Dirty: '        ACHEIVE' ---> Clean: '       achieve'. Actual: '       achieve'. Success: 1
Dirty: '        ACHIEVE' ---> Clean: '       achieve'. Actual: '       achieve'. Success: 1

Details about each example program are available in the source.

A short video overview of this project can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K5AvxkZ6Zs. There is a more technical paper on it at http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/489/1/012088/pdf. If you use Explicator in a scientific work, please cite as follows:

  author={H Clark and J Wu and V Moiseenko and R Lee and B Gill and C Duzenli and S Thomas},
  title={Semi-automated contour recognition using DICOMautomaton},
  journal={Journal of Physics: Conference Series},

Listing of string matching routines

  1. Common/Standard techniques.

    • Exact matches. (This library is always guaranteed to precisely match exact queries.)
    • Levenshtein. (Including deletions,insertions, and permutations.)
    • Character-based N-grams.
    • Word-based N-grams.
    • Jaro-Winkler.
  2. Phonetic techniques. (Useful for similar-sounding English strings.)

    • Double-Metaphone.
    • Soundex.
    • Match Rating Approach.
  3. Custom/Domain-specific techniques. (All of these are 'home-brew'.)

    • "Emplacements" (Useful for finding/matching/determining abbreviations.)
    • DICOM-tag string embedding. (Useful for medical terms/DICOM user tags.)
    • Subsequences. (Attempts to orthogonalize all subsequences. Useful for ordered input.)

List of removed matching routines

  • Artifical neural nets, via `FANN.'

    • The upstream implementation I used was buggy. Patches and pull-requests for alternative implementations are welcome.
  • Bag-of-characters, via `NCBI similarity.'

    • Tried with Cosine, Minkowski, and L2 distance metrics. Seemed to underperform compared to others.
  • simstring library similarities:

    • Cosine.
    • Dice.
    • Jaccard.
    • Overlap.
      • Though all were fast (as advertised!), they produced unreasonable amounts of temporary files.
  • Dice similarity.

  • Regex-based similarity.

    • Found to be too time-consuming and brittle to orthogonalize regex for a given lexicon.
  • Geometrical matching routines.

    • This functionality was moved to a separate, similar library called `libdemarcator'.


  • What platforms are supported?

    • Currently, only Linux with compilers supporting the C++17 standard.
    • Porting to BSDs and Windows should be fairly easy. Windows will require converting std::string to std::wstring and localizing string literals. BSD might work as-is.
  • Can I use this library to replace my spell checker?

    • Perhaps, for some problem domains. Likely not in general, though. This library is designed to be accurate and easy to use - not as fast as possible. Performance concerns were not entirely ignored, but typical language dictionaries contain too many entries. Better approaches would likely involve B-trees or some branching storage container.
  • Which similarity routines should I use?

    • This depends somewhat on the data you will be processing. For medical phrases or abbreviations, use the Levenshtein, DICOM hash, and Emplacements. For long sentences of English, consider the Cosine, Jaccard, Levenshtein, and/or Double-Metaphone. For text that has been transcribed from audio, consider Soundex and Double Metaphone. For more precise things (like transforming some formal logic expressions or simple substitution) use just the exact filter. If you have a very predictable input domain, consider writing a custom, domain-specific module. This will provide the best all-around performance for your purposes.
  • What is the performance like?

    • Not great! See "How is the accuracy?" Some string matching algorithms are inherently slow, and usage/accuracy has been emphasized over computational speed. This being said, using the entirety of the English dictionaries can provide queries in sub-seconds for some algorithms. Typical times for a 500-entry lexicon on an older laptop are 10's of milliseconds (loading the routines, querying the lexicon, printing to screen.) Conversely, if an exact match is found there will be little overhead from this library.
  • What is the accuracy like?

    • Decent, on average. Great in some domains, poor in others. The accuracy is a reflexion of the quality of the lexicon and the computational power expended. Choosing the most appropriate matching algorithm has a significant impact.
  • Can I train the algorithms on a set of data?

    • Some of them. At least, this functionality is at the proof of concept stage at the time of writing. Most algorithms include a pre-computation step. Some take this opportunity to self-tune and/or train. See the artificial neural net and subsequence routines.
  • How can I squeeze performance out of the library?

    • Some general tips: Avoid instantiation of the Explicators which can be costly due to processing. Only choose a few algorithms (or one, if possible.) Consider reading Wikipedia articles or testing the speed of the various algorithms on your specific data. Keep the lexicon as small as possible. A slow-running, precise algorithm often beats a dozen fast, imprecise algorithms.
  • How do I tell the library to warn me if the best match is not very good?

  • How do I tell 'how good' a match is?

    • There is no systematic way to indicate how good a match is. There are some facilities available for you (the user) to implement what you think is a 'good match' by passing out the ranking of each term in the lexicon. This is the Explicator::Get_Last_Results(void) method. If perfect facilities existed to determine the 'goodness' of a match, we would not need these algorithms to try predict anything! See the examples for more information.
  • The library translates words or phrases that are obviously incorrect. How do I fix this?

  • The library only knows words that I tell it. How do I fix this?

  • My lexicon knows two words: "A" and "B". Why does it translate everything to only "A" or "B"?

    • The library only speaks the language you tell it to speak. In some cases, this is a problem. Typically when scraping websites or previously-unseen documents, one will not have an idea what to expect. If the lexicon does not reflect the parts you are interested in, you can be guaranteed to have garbage results. Alternatively, there are some benefits of an "everything is an 'A' or a 'B' approach." In particular, if the library is emitting instructions which will be interpretted by a rigid interpreter, one wants each translation to give a valid instruction.

    • One way to deal with this is to populate your lexicon with a representative sample of data. If, say, you want to pick out days of the week in a long document. You are able to isolate all words which contain the 'day' suffix using regex, but now you need to classify the occurence of only fridays. Since the author of the document is an idiot, they misspelled almost all days. A satisfactory lexicon may look like:

       Monday       : JUNK
       muns day     : JUNK
       Tuesday      : JUNK
       Wednesday    : JUNK
       Thursday     : JUNK
       Friday       : Friday

      Which will pick out all occurences of words that are nearly 'friday'. Note, though, that EVERY word translated using this lexicon will either spit out 'JUNK' or 'Friday'.

  • This library doesn't include X. When can it be added?

    • Probably fairly soon. I'm happy to hear suggestions and even happier to implement similarity routines (barring time contraints). I'll also happily accept contributions for most code.
  • I want to add a string similarity metric. Where do I start? How do I get started hacking on this project?

    • Please take a look at the various 'modules' already implented. There are three routines that need to implemented: (1) a pre-query or preparatory routine (~constructor), (2) a query function, and (3) a cleanup routine (~destructor). Then include the header file in Explicator.cc, add the module to the enum of available modules, and recompile. You will then able to load your module (see the translate examples for details on how to do this).
  • Why does the lexicon require me to specify 'A : A' in order to do an exact match for 'A'?

    • So that, in case you want all occurences of 'A' to be turned into 'B' instead of 'A'. If this confuses you, think about a two-step conversion. You want to convert all 'A's into 'B's, and all 'B's into 'A's. The first conversion has a lexicon like:

       A : B
       B : C

      and the second has a lexicon like:

       C : A

      This allows for maximum flexibility. Due to guaranteed exact matches, this library is suitable for use as the backbone of a macro language. The bonus of such a thing would be that one could easily, effortlessly, and predictably handle user errors/typos.

Bugs and Errors

  • Matches are generally case-insensitive. This can be problematic for exact matches in your application logic when combined with case-senstive entities (e.g., std::map).


Informally, GPLv3 for libraries and examples and GFDLv3 for documentation.

For full license info, see LICENCE. If in doubt or you have questions, please contact the author.

Special thanks to

  • The British Columbia Cancer Agency for funding and support.
  • The University of British Columbia.
  • Dr.s Steven Thomas and Jonn Wu.
  • Sarah Clark.
  • Thomas McElroy.


Hal Clark. mailto:gmail.com[at]hdeanclark. Comments, patches, and pull requests are all welcome.