Support for sea801 radiator valves
bikefright opened this issue · 0 comments
Hello hdcola,
I’m sorry that I don’t speak your language!
I have recently purchased 16 x sea801 smart radiator valves and 3 x sea801-app gateways. I use the saswell app on my phone to control the temperatures.
I also have hassbian with both a z-wave and a ZigBee usb stick but have had no luck in pairing the radiator valves with hassbian, even though they are advertised as operating on 868MHz with 100m range.
I came across your code and can see that you are taking a different approach to integrating saswell climate devices into home assistant by accessing the scinan api.
Is there any chance that you would be able to modify your code (and that of yonsm) to support these radiator valves and pull information about them from into home assistant and therefore be able to control them by pushing settings from home assistant out to
Kind regards,