This app uses OpenWeatherMap to show a nice & detailed view of your local weather!
Ruby version: 2.5.1
- Set OPEN_WEATHER_APP_ID to a valid api token (create yours at
- Set up redis with the default settings
- Set up postgresql (you can find the credentials at config/database.yml)
Database creation
- rails db:create
Database initialization
- rails db:migrate
How to run the test suite
- bundle exec rspec
- bundle exec rubocop app spec -Ra
Deployment instructions
- Just push to hdf1986/careerfoundry-challenge master branch and you are done!
- Use scss & javascript linting
- Separate the API from the frontend into two apps
- Create integration tests for the frontend
- Build a smooth transition for the background
- Improve the responsive version to include the searchbar and not only the user location
- Integrate with Google maps API to build an input with suggestions about the locations while the user is tiping