
Question for visualize_scene.py

Opened this issue · 2 comments


Hello,I tried to run the evaluate_vaegan.py to visualize 3D scene in "meshes", and there is some bug ,I want to know what do I need to modify in the args or the code?
Looking forward to your reply!


This is the 3D scene in "points" with the visualize_scene.py
I want to know how can I get the same 3D scene in "points" as in your paper?

image image image

Hello,I tried to run the evaluate_vaegan.py to visualize 3D scene in "meshes", and there is some bug ,I want to know what do I need to modify in the args or the code? Looking forward to your reply!

Sorry, the repository is not maintained anymore. As of now, we will not be able to provide you with the models to run scene generation with deep sdf.