Introduction to Julia

Introduction to Julia course at Imperial College

3 × 2 hour classes

  • Part 1: Getting started, Functions, Conditionals, Data Structures
  • Part 2: Packages, Plotting, Types, Multiple Dispatch
  • Part 3: Benchmarking Julia, Linear Algebra, AutoDifferentiation

Tutors :

  • Yiannis Simillides
  • Evripides Georgiades

On completion of this workshop you will be able to:

  • Use Jupyter Notebooks to execute Julia scripts and install packages.
  • Apply fundamental components of the Julia language including variables, loops, conditionals and functions.
  • Create programs designed to solve simple problems.
  • Interpret common errors and use these to help debug a program.
  • as well as advanced concepts, such as Multiple Dispatch and custom data types.



Useful (Julia) Links


This is the second time this course is running, so please feel free to let me know if anything needs changing / any feedback/ difficulties or anything you particularly enjoyed!