
Meetings System

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Feature description

Make possible to admins starts and ends some meeting. Also make possible to users check in in the meeting.

Use cases

  • Admins:
I would like to start the weekly meeting so that users can check-in in the meeting.
I would like to finish the weekly meeting, after that no user can check-in in the meeting.
  • Users:
I would like to check-in in the meeting.


For whom and why.

For someone that would like to earn points for join the meeting.


Table meetings {
  id int [primary key]
  meeting_type_id int [not null, ref: > meetings_types.id]
  starts_at datetime [not null]
  ends_at datetime
  user_created_id int [not null, ref: > users.id]

Table meetings_types {
  id int [primary key]
  name varchar [not null]

Table meetings_participants {
  user_id int [not null, ref: > users.id]
  meeting_id int [not null, ref: > meetings.id]
  attend_at datetime [not null]
