
[Need support]: Healenium try to heal web element locator when script is waiting explicitly web element to appear on screen.

ap0087105 opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the problem

Team, we are using Robot Framework for Test Automation and explicit wait statements to wait for web element to appear on web page e.g.
Wait Until Element Is Visible //input[contains (@id, 'username') 10 ///wait for input box Username for 10 sec
input Text //input[contains (@id, 'username') TestUser /// then enter username as TestUser
While using Healenium if //input[contains (@id, 'username')] element is marked as enable_healing True then Healenium try to Heal web element locator instead of waiting that web element to visible on screen, and if wait is more like 20 sec, then test case get failed. Can you help on this.

Healenium Backend version


Selenium version




Logs appeared during using Healenium


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