
help need to run this

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Hi all,

I am quite new to this ctakes also to java. i want to run this ctakes-web-client in tom cat apache. do i need to build this in eclpise? i use the command mvn package at command prompt to create a .war file and copied that war file to tampcat -> webapp. try to run tomcat but i got error like

javax.servlet.ServletException: org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException: Initialization of annotator class "" failed. (Descriptor: )

Root Cause

org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException: Initialization of annotator class "" failed. (Descriptor: )

i am using tomact 7.0, eclipse neon jav ide for EE.


Try running it using inbuilt jetty server in the project. I faced some problem deploying it in tomcat due to permission issue of hsql db creation inside tomcat. Hence I moved to MySQL server + tomcat combination

Thank you @gandhirajan . I installed this jetty plugin and ran this. It worked.