
Unable to input non-English letters on Windows

Opened this issue · 6 comments


I cannot input any non-English letter during prompt. Outside the program I can type whatever letter I want so it doesn't seem to be a problem with my terminal.

I'm running on Windows 10 with node v14.15.0 and using prompt-sync 4.2.0.

A minimal code example which can reproduce the issue:

const prompt = require('prompt-sync')();
console.log(prompt(`Type non-English letter: `));
// I am unable to type any non-English letter

Real! I was testing this lib and I realized that accented letters like 'é' simply do not appear!

In case you guys still interested. I submit partial fix in #64

And because there no activity on PR, I publish @kant2002/prompt-sync package with a fix.

Problem still exists. unable to input German Ö Ä Ü ß ...

@BillCipher-exe did you try my fork?