
Pressing Tab multiple times does not cycle through the values of the autocomplete function

robopzet opened this issue · 2 comments

Don't know if this is a bug, but it is not what I expected.

My code uses a prompt with an autocomplete function. After entering some text, pressing Tab shows the first result that this function returns.

Press Tab again and the result is not the second result from this list. Instead, the second item from the unfiltered list is shown.

I noticed the autocomplete function is called twice when pressing Tab for the second time. The first time the selection contains the result returned when handling the first Tab and once with an empty parameter.

Hi @robopzet - this repo seems to be inactive at this time.
I wrote a little modernized port called prompt-sync-plus. This is one of the issues it addresses.

@Vpet95: I created my own version from this package when a vulnerability in an older dependency was detected.