
Autocomplete error

Opened this issue · 3 comments

import prompt from 'prompt-sync';

var gender = prompt('Are you a male or a female? (M - male, F - female)');

if(gender == 'M' || gender == 'F'){
} else {
console.log('Try again!');


var autocomplete = config.autocomplete =

TypeError: Cannot create property 'autocomplete' on string 'Are you a male or a female? (M - male, F - female)'

I am not sure about import approach, but I faced a similar issue when using prompt with require.
The way it is intended to work is like this.

const prompt_fn = require('prompt-sync');
const prompt = prompt_fn();

I was having the same problem. Your answer helped me a lot! Thanks!

Previously answered #29 for both types of import (require and es6 module).