
Access to user model in global signInSuccess handler

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Previously I was able to use the following code alongside my App.Auth object to set up the user object in my exception notification system:

App.Auth.on 'signInComplete', ->
  if App.Auth.get('signedIn')
    App.Auth.get('user').on 'didLoad', ->
        id: App.Auth.get('user.id')
        username: App.Auth.get('user.username')
        email: App.Auth.get('user.email')

App.Auth.on 'signOutSuccess', ->

I saw that you are now supposed to use @auth.addHandler which is fine, I have set up a beforeModel hook in my application controller that adds the handlers and it gets triggered when a user is signed in through the rememberable function.

However, the @auth.get('user').on 'didLoad' doesn't do anything, and if I call @auth.get('user') in my success handler it just returns null.

Am I doing something wrong? What's the correct way to do this now?

PS. It may be useful to mention where to set global handlers in the documentation, it took me a while to workout where to put the @auth.addHandler calls.

Can you post code of your success handler? Handlers get fired in an Ember.RSVP.all promises array; after that, the signIn() method itself would resolve (or reject). Same for signOut, send, createSession and destroySession. So, if you just want to run some code on the current user, just use the promise interface

@auth.signIn().then -> doSomething()

The current user would be guaranteed to be present when doSomething() executes. If it doesn't, then it's a bug.

This is similar to how ember-data moved away from the cumbersome didLoad, id == undefined etc checks, to the promise interface.

I'm not aware of any ember idiom or best practice of where to put global handlers. It could be in an initializer, it could be by deferring application bootstrapping itself, it could be in application view's didInsertElement, etc. That's why I'm leaving that to individual apps.

What I'm trying to do is something like this:

@auth.addHandler 'signInSuccess', =>
  @auth.get('user').on 'didLoad', =>
    console.log 'setting raven user'
      id: @auth.get('user.id')
      username: @auth.get('user.username')
      email: @auth.get('user.email')

I'm not able to use @auth.signIn().then -> doSomething() (as far as I'm aware) because that doesn't cover users that are logged in through the rememberable or url authentication methods.

Hi there. This is also a problem that I'm faccing here #126