
Pydocstring overrides C-L shortcut

data-stepper opened this issue · 3 comments

In my vimrc, I use the shortcut(s) C-[hjkl] to move between splits.

When I now started using pydocstring, it overrode the shortcut for switching to the right split (C-L).
I know from the docs that I can change the default keymapping for pydocstring, but I can't make it unmap

I've tried using VimEnter to get around this without any luck so far :(

Maybe there is an easy solution to this, regards and thanks in advance for any help

Hi, Thank you for using my plugin.

Did you set following like below?

let g:pydocstring_enable_mapping = 0

Thanks it fixed my issue.

I didn't find this in the README, maybe an idea to add it as I think it's quite useful?