
Fasts of Behav, Slichot

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Would it be possible to add events for the fasts of Behav?

More than as a minor fast (though they could be flagged as such) perhaps they should be flagged "Slichot". That seems to me to be a valuable flag anyway, although it's understood for the fasts.

I think the main Ashkenazi minhag here in Israel is to say the slichot, so it's relevant. Also, we say the mi sheberach on the Shabbos preceeding them.

The Mishnah Berurah 492 s.k. 3 calls them for the Monday, Thursday, and following Monday after the first Shabbos following Rosh Chodesh.

I understand that some communities observe them on different days. But if the locale is Israel (IL_ONLY), I think it would be safe to list them.

Seems like a fine addition, especially if we offer a boolean flag to enable/disable the presence of these events, similar to how we permit yomKippurKatan to be specified.

Do you want to take a swing at implementing in a pull request?

hmmm... maybe. Let me see if I have some time today.