
PR proposal: Add JSDoc types

barakplasma opened this issue · 2 comments

Would you accept a PR which added JSDoc types?

For example:

 * @typedef {number | [number, number]} locationCoordinate
 * @param {locationCoordinate} lat
 * @param {locationCoordinate} lon
HebcalProto.setLocation = function(lat, lon) {
		m.setLocation(lat, lon);
	return this;

This could assist users of VS Code with Intellisense via JSDoc. Additionally, lets us run a bit of Typescript checking on the library. See also https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/type-checking-javascript-files.html#supported-jsdoc

That would be awesome!

@barakplasma I'd be really grateful if you did this!