
Is EOY sedra a thing?

gdoron opened this issue · 4 comments

For new Hebcal.HDate(19, 7, 5780).getSedra() I'm getting [ 'End-of-Year: Simchat-Torah, Sukkot' ] which is a thing I've never heard of.
I've asked around, no one knows why this is the Sedra, it just should be regular Shabbat Hol Hamoed.

The weird thing, it's not consistent, for example, for new Hebcal.HDate(16, 7, 5779).getSedra() I'm getting
[ 'Chol hamoed Sukkot' ]

I've checked the source code, and I see it's by design(?) as it's there explicitly.

Am I missing something or is it a mistake\bug?


This is something that was in the original Hebcal C that i simply ported. I don't exactly know how the calculations work for all of this TBH.

@mjradwin or @dsadinoff might know.

Until they'll have the time to respond, I'm using this:
d.getSedra('h').toString().replace('סופשנה: סוכות ושמחת תורה', 'שבת חול המועד')
(GitHub trolls RTL a bit, the replace is of EOY is with Shabbat chol hamoed)

Sorry for being rude and pinging again in case you missed the last one.
@dsadinoff @mjradwin

Thanks a ton!

I agree with @gdoron there is a mistake there.
I am attaching a screenshot that you see that instead of writing "שבת חול המועד סוכות" he writes "סופשנה: סוכות ושמחת תורה".
tisrey 5780
I have tested it back and forth for many years, and there are no problems with it.