
In the future you will join the gesture control item zooming?

xhzengAIB opened this issue · 17 comments

you will add this function?


@xhzengAIB Now you can zoom in a item with pinch gesture, what kind of gesture do you want?

Hi! @hebertialmeida
I want to UIPanGestureRecognizer control item zoom

I have started this implementation but can't finish yet, if you implement make a pull request please!

Hi! @hebertialmeida
Thanks for the great source, it works like a charm.

Need to calculate the speed of a pan?


I think so, I started the implementation at https://github.com/hebertialmeida/HAPaperViewController/blob/master/Paper/HATransitionController.m#L37

The method to implement:

- (void)oneFingerGesture:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)sender

Pinch method for reference:

- (void)handlePinch:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *)sender

Would you think what is the solution?
I think to set a threshold value, according to pan gesture calculation scale.

Yeah, based on vertical finger position.

Why collectionview appear blank page? The problem of reuse?

look this picture(see the left item, fast scroll the collectionView apear the bug):

Can modify the reuse of the number of the item in collectionView?

It's not happening with me, I checked out the reuse code but it's ok, did you see something wrong?

I also see the issue illustrated in xhzengAIB's animated GIF. In the iOS Simulator, for example with the iPad w/ iOS 7.0.3, scrolling the collection items with a swipe from left to right (i.e., exposing new items on the left), sometimes the item that should be revealed on the left isn't drawn (see pic below). Speed of the swipe doesn't appear to matter. Subsequent swipes cause the missing item to appear.
ios simulator screen shot feb 25 2014 5 21 47 pm

@warozzi and @xhzengAIB I can't see any problem with cell reuse code, can you see something?

For me it's running ok, on simulator and iPhone 5.

Hi! @hebertialmeida
I can't see worong, However, on the vision experience is not perfect. not bug


Hi! @hebertialmeida
I mean not want to appear blank aera. You can see the pictures again.


same here I tired on the newest xcode with ios 7 and 4.0 retina simulator i don't see any problem on my machine.... there isn't a lag for me...

Ok @BeCasual @xhzengAIB I will close this issue and open another issue for UIPanGestureRecognizer implementation.

yet, thanks you