
Package Resolution Failed

NeilsUltimateLab opened this issue ยท 7 comments

When adding this dependency via Xcode below error is displayed in package resolution.

Screenshot 2020-07-11 at 4 15 17 PM

because no versions of MarkdownSyntax match the requirement 1.0.1..<2.0.0 and package markdownsyntax is required using a version-based requirement and it depends on unversion package swift-cmark-gfm, MarkdownSyntax >=1.0.0 is forbidden. And because root depends on MarkdownSyntax 1.0.0..<2.0.0, version solving failed.

Screenshot 2020-07-11 at 4 12 43 PM

Any work-around resolving this?

You can try to use exact instead of up to next version or you can try to point to master branch and see if it works. I did a fair amount of change after 1.0.0 I believe and didn't tag yet.

Let me know if that works for you.

Thanks for the reply @hebertialmeida.
Yes if I select Branch: master option then it also works ๐ŸŽ‰.
But at the compile time it asks for the iOS 9 minimum deployment target.

I believe Swift Packages are iOS 9+

Yes, since Package.swift file having platform declaration to .iOS(.v8) was causing the error.
Screenshot 2020-07-17 at 11 38 51 PM

So I forked your repo and updated to .iOS(.v9), then it worked. ๐ŸŽ‰.

I also tried to add tags to forked repo but found that if any of the dependency is having 0.xx.x tag (in our case cmark_gfm having 0.29.0 tag) then its failing for the upToNextMajor option (may be Xcode/SwiftPM bug but not sure.).

So I also forked that and added tag with 1.0.0 then it worked for upToNextMajor option too. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‡

Oh, nice! can you open a PR so I can update it?

@hebertialmeida I opened pull requests.

Nice, I have merged.