
How to get time left (counter)

perry-mitchell opened this issue · 3 comments


Some other OTP libraries provide counters which return the amount of seconds/time left of the current period. Is there some way to do this with otpauth? I'm not super familiar with how they work - Would you have some pointers as to how I could process the current period time left?

I'm using TOTP at the moment.

Hi, I created a quick example for you.


@hectorm This is great, thanks! I appreciate the fast reply.

Btw we'll be using your library in our password manager, Buttercup (Github) ✌️

It's always a pleasure to know that my work is useful to others.
I've checked your project and it seems awesome, keep up with the good work!

I leave here the content of the previous link for future references.
  <div class="totp">
    <h1>{{ token }}</h1>
    <progress :value="progress" :max="total"></progress>
    <h5>{{ uri }}</h5>

import { TOTP, Secret } from "otpauth";

export default {
  name: "TOTP",
  props: {
    issuer: {
      type: String,
      default: ""
    label: {
      type: String,
      default: ""
    algorithm: {
      type: String,
      default: "SHA1"
    digits: {
      type: Number,
      default: 6
    period: {
      type: Number,
      default: 30
    secret: {
      type: String,
      default: ""
  data() {
    return {
      token: "",
      progress: 0,
      total: 1000,
      timer: null
  computed: {
    totp() {
      return new TOTP({
        issuer: this.issuer,
        label: this.label,
        algorithm: this.algorithm,
        digits: this.digits,
        period: this.period,
        secret: Secret.fromB32(this.secret)
    uri() {
      return this.totp.toString();
    running() {
      return this.timer !== null;
  methods: {
    start() {
      if (this.timer === null) {
        let progress;
        let period = this.period;
        let total = this.total;

        let tick = () => {
          progress = (total * (1 - (((0.001 * Date.now()) / period) % 1))) | 0;

          if (progress !== this.progress) {
            if (progress < this.progress) {
              this.token = this.totp.generate();

            this.progress = progress;

          this.timer = requestAnimationFrame(tick);


      return this;
    stop() {
      if (this.timer !== null) {
        this.timer = null;

      return this;
  watch: {
    totp() {
  created() {
  beforeDestroy() {