
is that "/" chars not supported in export ?

changchichung opened this issue · 1 comments

I can not export a note from codimd if I use chinese chars in export file name.

update: chinese file name were supported , but not spaces.
update again: after some try and error , the problem is char "/" . is there anyway to escape those special chars ?

2019-09-09 14:49:11 [changch@hqdc034 ~]$ codimd export --md BUFqXnrKSYKRl0Qk39tHpw "LAB 機器規格&&售價 2019/09/09.md"
LAB 機器規格&&售價 2019/09/09.md: 沒有此一檔案或目錄 <-- means "no such file or directory"
2019-09-09 14:50:00 [changch@hqdc034 ~]$ codimd export --md BUFqXnrKSYKRl0Qk39tHpw "LAB 機器規格售價 2019/09/09.md"
LAB 機器規格售價 2019/09/09.md: 沒有此一檔案或目錄 <-- means "no such file or directory"
2019-09-09 14:50:04 [changch@hqdc034 ~]$ codimd export --md BUFqXnrKSYKRl0Qk39tHpw my.md
--2019-09-09 14:50:15--
正在連接 連上了。
已送出 HTTP 要求,正在等候回應... 200 OK
長度: 1074 (1.0K) [text/markdown]
Saving to: ‘my.md’

my.md                            100%[========================================================>]   1.05K  --.-KB/s    in 0.004s  

2019-09-09 14:50:15 (298 KB/s) - ‘my.md’ saved [1074/1074]

2019-09-09 14:50:15 [changch@hqdc034 ~]$ ls

/ is not allowed in filenames for good reason (because it's a special character that means subfolder in paths), you should replace it with - or _.
