
Move fromItemToOutRow to table instance it self

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I want to be able to do

export const tbl = s.table("tbl", { test: tInteger });

type Tbl = typeof tbl.$rowInstance;

// instead of

type Tbl = FromItemToOutRow<typeof tbl>;

(or similar)

$rowInstance would be a useless (i.e. unused) field. What is the advantage of typeof tbl.$rowInstance; over FromItemToOutRow<typeof tbl>?

Say I have imported from, myTable, db from somewhere and write a function like this:

async function getSomething() {
    return await db.exec(from(myTable).select(myTable.$all));

async function doSomething(myTableInstance: typeof myTable.$rowInstance) {

i.e. I have imported the table definition, but not FromItemToOutRow. Now i could just specify the argument type for doSomething using typeof myTable.$rowInstance instead of having to add more imports or declaring that type somewhere else and importing it.