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Awesome Software Solutions


TicTacToe is a simple two player strategy game.

  • Each player has a symbol, either X or O.
  • The player that starts the game has the symbol X.
  • The game is played on a three by three board
  • The goal is to get three identical symbols in a straight line.
  • The line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
  • The player that has a line of three symbols is the winner.
  • The game ends in a draw if the board fills without a three symbol line.

This is a group project in a software engineering course at Reykjavik university solved by the group Awesome software solutions, ASS.

Members in ASS are:

  • Ólafur Brynjar Jónsson
  • Jón Ingvar Karlsson Brune
  • Helena María Agnarsdóttir
  • Héðinn Grétar Hendriksson
  • Garðar Sigurðsson
  • Alexander Már Sigurgeirsson
  • Jón Hjörtur Brjánsson

Have fun playing!