Feature: Search by User
arcanearronax opened this issue · 6 comments
Create functionality to allow starcli to browse repos by Github user. This would display repos owned by the provided username.
Why is it necessary? (or how would it make it better)
This would allow the client to perform a more targeted search of repos. The client already displays the usernames for the owner of repos found. This would allow the client to further explore repos owned by an identified user, effectively adding a layer of depth to the existing breadth.
how do you think should it be implemented? (If possible)
A user would be able to pass a flag, such as "-U" or "--user" ("-u" is already used) to identify the user they want to find more repos for. When this flag is passed the API request would query the API for only the username, unless additional flags are provided. When a search by user is performed the same type of data about the repos will be displayed in the terminal, no change to the layout will occur.
Anything you would like to include
If this is acceptable, I can take on implementing this functionality.
@Saif807380 is working on implementing the search from the github.com/trending page, which is in here I think extending that function would be fine
Yes, I'll finish up with #44 which can then be extended.
I think how this can be implemented is that when someone use --user
and provide a user name, it will search the trending repositories based on that username, but if a username is not provided, we can use github trending page to find popular users
It looks like Saif807380 finished working on issue #44 (as this issue has been closed). If I am correct, will it be fine to begin working on this?
Yes @arcanearronax
It seems finding and displaying trending users is more complex than I thought, guess I'll open a separate issue to keep track of that