
How to link requirements with artifacts?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear maintainers, I have been successful in installing ReqTool inside an Eclipse installation (many thanks for now providing a download-able update-site by the way). But now I face a new problem:
How can I link requirements with any artifacts? I can create a requirements document and open it with ReqTool editor - as described in the README. But I am neither able to drag-and-drop a requirement to the Capra selection view nor can I find any option (like for example "Add to Capra selection view") in the pop-up menu for an entry line inside the ReqTool editor. All I see in the pop-up menu is "Automatic line height", "Generate robot framework tests" and "Decorate requirements with test results".

You create links between artifacts and requirements by dragging and dropping Eclipse resources and other elements to the requirements editor. So, just drop an artifact on the requirement.

The Capra selection view is not used, we'll see if we can build ReqTool without it.

Ah perfect, that worked, thank you!

I have now created a pull request which adds this information also to the README in #3.