
CountAPI key for the original instance results in a different count

Nathan13888 opened this issue · 2 comments

Although .env file uses guess_what, it seems that a different key is actually used instead.

Fyi, I've been using this alternate server for over the past 6 months.

https://visitor-badge.glitch.me/badge?page_id=nathan13888.visiter.badge --> ~300

https://visitor-badge.laobi.icu/badge?page_id=nathan13888.visiter.badge --> ~1900

My count-API uses my local service, so it will be out of sync with the public count-API's results.

Hi @hehuapei,

Some time ago, I made a Visitor Badge replacement using Golang that was theoretically faster and had more features. Here's my project: https://github.com/Nathan13888/VisitorBadgeReloaded

I'm planning to continue development soon in the future. Some of my plans are already written in the README.

One of the more important things I wanted to implement was a "cache" using some sort of KV database (such as Redis) to potentially improve speed.

If you would like to help with this, that would be greatly appreciated 😄

Is there is anything you would like to know, please create an Issue on my project. Thanks.