WMs by post parameters
JePedrosa opened this issue · 0 comments
JePedrosa commented
I am currently using leaflet 1.3.1 and I am loading the WMS in a single image, but when I try to go through the sld_body a style that I have had to generate dynamically tells me that the URL is too large, would there be any way to pass the parameters by the POST method instead of the GET method? I want the WMS images to geoserver. Here is an example:
url = url_geoserver + "/wms/reflect?sld_body=" + sld_body;
var capa_wms = L.WMS.source(url, {
format: 'image/gif',
version: '1.3.0',
maxZoom: 30,
transparent: true,
cql_filter: valor_filtrado,
zIndex: zIndex_elemento,
env: env,
test: val,
tiled: false,
Thank you