
Expanding the project

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Consider this project idea.
An interface for every proxy, not just socks5.

This will be done outside of the library:

  1. establish a connection over the transport
  2. handshake
  3. read and write from/into connection

So instead of just running the tun2socks, we'll need other functions

  1. shouldStartSession (function ref) (session, destAdd, destPort, isUDP)
  2. didStartSession(session)
  3. writeToTun(session, data)
  4. didReadFromTun (function ref) (session, value)

You probably know that there are some issues with iOS and its RAM limits for VPNs.

I'm implementing all Xray-core functionalities for iOS in native code (obviously open-source) and I thought this would be the perfect tun2proxy method as I've tried your code and it's very good in every aspect I need it to be.

Completed? 🤔